Announcing our Free Little Art Gallery in Durant Trails!

Take art, leave art, or stand back and enjoy…

We’re excited to announce the opening of a Free Little Art Gallery (FLAG) in Durant Trails just next to the entrance to the pool! If you’ve never heard of a FLAG, imagine a Little Free Library, but instead of books, it’s filled with small pieces of art. Anyone passing by can take a piece of art they love or leave one they’ve created for someone else to enjoy. Whether you’re an observer, a creator, or both, this gallery is here to inspire a sense of connection through art.

So, what exactly is a Free Little Art Gallery? It’s a tiny space where people can share their artwork, no matter their level of experience. From budding beginners to seasoned professionals, all kinds of art are welcome. The idea is simple: contribute a piece or take one home. Or, you can just pause to appreciate the creativity on display. Like a Little Free Library offers books to exchange, FLAGs offer art – free for the taking or giving.

The Free Little Art Gallery movement began in 2020, initiated by artist Stacy Milrany in Seattle. Milrany’s vision was to create a space where anyone could participate in art, whether by making it or simply enjoying it. What started with one small gallery has since blossomed into hundreds across the country. These galleries now appear in neighborhoods, outside schools, at art stores, and even in museums, offering a unique way for people to engage with creativity on a personal level.

One of the most special aspects of these galleries is the joy of sharing. There’s something magical about giving away a piece of art you’ve made and knowing that it will brighten someone’s day. Equally, the thrill of finding a small masterpiece in one of these galleries is something that can spark joy in the recipient. It’s an unspoken exchange of kindness and creativity, a reminder of how art can bring people together.

You can find our Free Little Art Gallery at the entrance to the pool in Durant Trails. Feel free to leave your own artwork or take a piece that speaks to you—come and be part of the creativity! In a world that often feels hectic and overwhelming, this is one small, meaningful way to make it a little brighter. Whether you're sharing or discovering art, our Free Little Art Gallery is a wonderful opportunity to spread creativity and brighten the world, one small piece at a time.


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