
Our gallery showcases wonderful and imaginative artwork created by young artists from all over the greater Raleigh area. You’ll find a diverse collection of art, all created by kids under the age of 18. We believe young artists should be celebrated and have a distinct platform to showcase their artistic expressions. Each artwork displayed here is a reflection of their unique perspectives, interests, and emotions. Raleigh Kids Art Gallery is a place of inspiration, appreciation, and joy for art lovers of all ages! Please join us in celebrating the talent, creativity, and imagination of these young artists.


What colors are you drawn to?

"Kaleidoscope" celebrates the playful and diverse nature of children’s favorite colors. This exhibition features vibrant and imaginative artworks, including fluid acrylic paintings, detailed dioramas, and polymer clay creations. Each piece highlights the unique creativity and talent of young artists.

Wild Abandon

“Wild Abandon” showcases a lively collection of imaginative artworks, including whimsical landscapes, bold abstracts, and surreal mixed-media pieces by young artists. Each piece reflects the creative freedom and vibrant talent of its creator, offering a joyful and dynamic display of youthful artistry.